An essay that compares people, ideas or any two things, with an aim of arriving at a conclusion is referred to as compare and contrast essays. An essay of this type has a thesis statement which is a sentence that is part of the introduction and it informs the readers what is to be expected in the body of the essay and the conclusion of the comparison. The sentence containing thesis statement must also distinctly give a statement of the implication of the comparison answering the question of why this comparison is worthy of attention. Four of the methods of creating a thesis statement for a comparing and contrasting essay are described below.
A thesis statement can be created by taking a specific stance in the sentence containing the thesis statement. This is achieved by focusing and addressing a single issue in great specificity and details so that the points can be fully be backed up in the body of the essay. The following is an example of a thesis statement: While both type of hospitals ensure the wellbeing of a patient, public hospitals are concerned about service delivery while private hospitals are concerned about income generation. This makes a thesis statement powerful.
A thesis statement can also be created by starting with a question then making the answer to the question to be the thesis. The question must be related to the subjects of comparison so as to tailor an answer that is relevant to the topic. This answer forms the thesis statement. For example, in comparing and contrasting Mobile phones and telephones as gadgets of communication, the following question can be used: How is a mobile phone different from a telephone? The answer to this question can be: Although they bear some superficial similarities, the differences between mobile phone and telephone are remarkable. This answer forms the thesis statement.
Another method of creating a thesis statement is by use of a provable statement. The statement made should be provable by content in the body of the essay. The following is an example of a thesis statement: Despite the striking similarities between John and James, contrasting traits between the two put them at different levels of competency in the teaching profession.
A thesis statement can be created by making an argument that has never been seen before. The argument is made basing on the items, ideas or people that are under comparison. The following is an example of a thesis statement: Despite bearing a close business relationship, recent research reveals that Kenya and America have contrasting methods of generating income. This kind of thesis statement makes an essay to be fresh and dynamic.
In conclusion, the method chosen in creating a thesis statement for a comparing and contrasting statement greatly shapes up how the content of the body of the essay will be structured. A good thesis will give a reader a hint of what is expected in the body of the essay.